High School and College Planning
OkCollegeStart Login
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Go to your Google Grid (the 9 dots that you click on to find Google Docs, Google drive, Google Sheets) and scroll down to the bottom to find the OkCollegeStart icon.
Click on the XAP-OkCollegeStart icon.
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Includes the following features: Explore Colleges and Careers
Discover the colleges and universities in the state.
Determine the careers that best match your skills and interests
Match schools with your career interests Plan and Pay for College
Learn about ways to pay for college
Apply online for Oklahoma’s Promise
Create a personal portfolio to track your college planning Apply to College
Gather information about the admission requirements at all Oklahoma colleges and universities
Apply online to most of the colleges and universities in Oklahoma.
Learn more about planning, preparing, and paying for college. Access games and tools to help students prepare for higher education. Locate financial aid resources, including FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) teaching tools.
Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
The Student Center Section of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education’s Web site directs students to various college planning resources, including Oklahoma’s Promise and GEAR-UP.
College Covered
CollegeCovered.com is a free resource on planning and paying for college, with your students and their families.
JLV College Counseling
JLVCollegeCounseling.com has now become a free resource for prospective and current college students, as well as their parents and guardians.
Oklahoma College Assistance Program
The Oklahoma Guaranteed Student Loan Program’s website contains helpful information for prospective and current students, including scholarship and federal student loan resources.
Oklahoma Money Matters
OGSLP’s financial literacy program, Oklahoma Money Matters, provides families with information and tools about budgeting, consumer credit, student loan management, and other personal finance topics.
NCAA Eligibility Center
Students interested in playing NCAA sports (college level) need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. (Formerly NCAA Clearinghouse) This is the student’s responsibility. Please make sure your counselor is aware of the students’ desire to play NCAA sports. eligibilitycenter.org
GetSchooled.com is FREE
Get Schooled is a national non-profit helping young people thrive in high school, college, and early career jobs, through a unique blend of compelling digital content, gamification, and personalized support and engagement.
Check out these websites for more information on what to share in a scholarship resume: Building a Winning Resume